4 Resources for Creating a Marketing Strategy

Hello creatives!

Today, I’m tackling what marketing strategy is, why you need it and where to find some resources to create a DIY marketing strategy.

Why is marketing strategy important?

Marketing strategy is like the roadmap to success. Without a map, how do you know where you are going? Building out a marketing strategy means understanding the nature of goals, strategies and tactics. You can learn all about it by watching my free marketing strategy webinar.

Today’s article will cover a glimpse at four resources you can use to build a marketing strategy on your own.

4 resources for creating a marketing strategy:

Freebies from professionals

When you are in need of a marketing strategy, but don’t have the budget to hire a marketing strategist, then you’ll need to find free or low-cost resources to build one yourself. A great resource is to follow professionals on social media who cater to your niche.

Why is this a good idea? Because they’ll offer high-level overviews on their social media channels and sometimes they might offer special deals on consultations. Plus, if you do end up with a solid budget to hire someone and you know their free advice works, then you can trust their paid services.

Low-cost online courses or master classes

Many consultants and freelancers also offer low-cost online courses or masterclasses. I mean, I offer a low-cost self-paced brand strategy course to compliment my services. Professionals do this as part of their personal marketing strategy to attract clients at different price points.

How do you find these online courses? Here’s a short list of places:



Facebook Digital Marketing Courses

Google Digital Marketing Courses

Business journals & industry news sources

Maybe you have a business in a niche industry and need more than generalized guidance. Look for industry-related business journals and other industry news sources that might help you gain a better understanding of how to reach your target audience.

These publications may require a small subscription fee, but you’ll get quality content to help you building out your marketing strategy.

Government programs & websites (link to small business association resources)

Some local governments have resources for small business owners of varying types. These programs offer free and low-cost consulting services and group classes to help you with your business needs. It’s always a good idea to take a look at what is available to you in your neighborhood.

I’d highly recommend US businesses and entrepreneurs check out the Small Business Administration Online Learning Platform as a jumping off point for understanding their business needs.

I hope this was helpful. If you want to learn more about marketing strategy, check out my free webinar, where I also have an exclusive offer for those who watch it. Note: the exclusive offer is only available until July 31, 2021.

Do you have the budget to hire a marketing strategist? Check out my consulting services to see if we can work together.

Until Next Time,
