Read. Write. Play. Your Way to Creative Disruption in Publishing, Media and Entertainment

So, I have established the general “what” and “why” of this blog. Now it’s time for a little more detail on the topics I’ll cover, which means breaking down the three parts of Read. Write. Play. into the industries, positions, tools and tech start ups I’ll cover here.
When I’m talking about Read. I mean industries, companies and creatives that answer the question “What does it take to get a book into a reader’s hands?” The book publishing industry is one of the oldest industries I’ll be talking about here, so there are lots of things to cover and there will be crossover with Write. topics. Most of the creative people involved with Read. topics will be those who scout, refine and fight for the works and rights of authors.
Some tech start ups for the publishing industry include tools that help writers focus and improve their work as well as solutions for writers and publishing houses to find each other outside of the traditional methods.
Write. topics will answer the question “What does it take to run a newspaper, magazine, blog or social media page?” This means journalists, editors, columnists, graphic designers, digital marketing specialists and many more that create content that is consumed regularly.
There are a lot of tech start ups in this space that are shaking up how things are done, which is exciting. Artificial intelligence, social media “listening” and fantastic editing tools are on the list that I will definitely go into detail about.
“What does it take to get a podcast, song, movie, documentary or TV show to your screen?” That’s what I’m hoping to dive into with Play. topics. Positions include scriptwriters, cinematographers, CGI artists, and so many more.
A lot is happening that is causing quite the stir in entertainment industry circles. Major disruptors in this space include options to break away from the century-old Hollywood studio model that, in a lot of ways, stifles creativity.
I’m really excited to take a deep dive and share more about all of these topics. If you would like to sign up for the monthly newsletter to keep you updated or to offer a topic you’d like to read about, feel free to do so below.
Until next time,